My Mission, Ideas, and Opinions
Understand the truth, Understand the reality of life and come in Islam
Brothers and Sisters I permit you all to use my research, contents, website, youtube channel, etc in anywhere you want. You can use them in youtube videos, blogs, websites, books, apps, etc. You can use all of them freely. But please do not change the context. Please pray for me. May ALLAH give us the best in this life and hereafter. Ammen.
Brothers and Sisters Please Pray for me also. I understand the reality of this life and now I want others to know the reality also.
Truth is very clear. Once we die then the test of this life will over. So try to do more and more good deeds. Spread the truth Spread Islam.
Truth has (now) Arrived, and Falsehood perished : For Falsehood is (by its nature) Bound to perish.(translation--Yusuf Ali).
Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart.(translation--Sahih International).
[Al-Qur’an 17:81]
See this Surah(Chapter) of Quran=== Al-'Asr(chapter number 103)-----
By time,
Indeed, mankind is in loss,
Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.
..........My Future Plans Insha ALLAH (also, anyone of you who is capable can do all of these)..........
1)Islam Spread: We will make an association, website, app from which any people will ask questions about Islam & related topics and we will answer all that question within minimum time with references, proofs, etc. We will work by both mediums online and offline to spread Islam (truth and awareness so that people can learn, do verification or recheck and come to the truth.)
References, proofs---(i) We Will make an App and Website in which we will make lists of all the topic present in the Quran(CLICK HERE) and Hadiths (separate Sahih Hadiths and Zaeef Hadiths) so that it acts like a Fatwa book, Research on any topic book, etc. So that all people will be benefited to get his/her answers by only investing a little amount of time. E.g., 2nd coming of Jesus Pbuh, Judgment day situation, List of work or activity which will destroy you, Performing Salah properly, Performing wudu properly, Cure of black magic, etc.
(ii) We will allow Peoples to join us who are well-trained and well-known of the Quran and Hadiths or Anyone who is interested but have lack of knowledge. And we will also give training to them How to use our Website and App. So that they can also be a part of this pure & truth work. Any people from any country will join Us. These Peoples will also answer the additional questions, do debates, do public lectures to spread the truth and awareness. These peoples will work both online and offline according to their capacity.
There are many people who are willing to invest his/her life for Islam, who willing to be a full-time or part-time da'i (da'i is generally someone who engages in da'wah, the act of inviting people to Islam). But money is a problem. So help each other so that many people get benefit from many methods. I will not take any money for my personal use. Insha ALLAH I will get the best in the Judgement day. Please pray for me also. I understand the reality of this life and now I want others to know the reality also.
(iii) We will also allow all peoples to give us advise, suggestions to improve our work.
(1) We will open an association, website, app in which we will store some amount of our salary regularly and we will allow others people to join us. We will collect these monthly salary and use them in various ways.
(i) We will give loan to students with no interest rate because in Islam interest(Riba) is Haram(forbidden). Both taking and giving of interest is Haram(forbidden). In modern days education is very costly and in many countries banks give education loan but also take interest. And students Knowingly and Unknowingly trap in this situation which is Haram(forbidden).
So we will give students loan with no interest rate. We will allow students to return the loan amount any time according to their comfort with no time limit and if Students will not return these money with any reason then we will leave or forgive him/her.
If this method will work then we will help many-many students. Insah ALLAH time to time money and our network will increase. But we will not take any money for our personal use. From these money we will help different people with different methods.
(ii) Helping poor people,etc
(2) We will make a system which will work like loan giving without any interest. This will totally work on rules of ALLAH which is given in Quran and Hadiths.
In this system we will give loan money from our surplus money to other people and after getting benifited from our money he/she will return our money . And because it is our surplus money so its absence will not be a problem for us but it will help others and ultimately the same amount of money will returned to us.
This whole system will be designed in such a way that protection of money will be very strong and safe. We will make something about this later.
This network will be free from any employee. So that money will save and not a single money go anywhere else but to a right person.
From this method money will be useing for helping others because if we have some money and we save it and this saving does not use in daily basis then helping others is more good and from this method our money will help others to achieve their needs.
In this system any amount of money will be given e.g from 1 money to any number of money. If someone need 10 money then he/she will take 1 money from you and take rest 9 money from other peoples. And after use he/she will return to all the peoples.
By making such networks we will help others and doesn't lose any thing but get many rewards which will become very beneficial for us on the judgement day.
I will make a website/app/association for this.
(i) We will allow borrower and the lender to set time of returning the money so that everything between the borrower and the lender will become clear.
3)Highlights from Scriptures:
(i) Point out all Scientific facts and science which is present in Quran and Hadiths and I will make a list which will help in many ways in Dawah.(Dawah=Islam the practice or policy of conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims)
(ii) Point out all future events from Quran and Hadiths which is fulfilled till now and which is not yet fulfill and I will make a list which will help in many ways in Dawah.(Dawah=Islam the practice or policy of conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims)
4)Research Spread: I will give all my research to youtube channels, peoples from different methods to spread the truth for free. So that my work will help many people by the grace of ALLAH. Insha ALLAH.
All our works will give us benefit on the Judgement day Insha ALLAH
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